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Archivi tag: TIM
Many SMBs unprepared for online security threats
About 35 percent admitted to not being concerned about cybercrime even though another 20 percent said their companies had been victimized by online crime. A surprisingly large number of small and midsize businesses appear to be either blissfully unaware of … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in News, Sicurezza
Contrassegnato - Servizio Bonus, 3, articoli, Banca, blog, bufala, Burla, CLIENTE POSTE.IT, computer, denti, fir, gratis, hoax, hotmail, ici, IDS, inter, Internet, italia, italiano, la, latte, linux, mail, man, McAfee, money, musica, News, ong, online, organi, PACE, pc, Phishing, Poste, reality, rom, security, siti, sito, SMBs, software, TECNOLOGIA, threats, TIM, unprepared, video, Virus, web, windows
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Download Leopard Cache Cleaner
Leopard Cache Cleaner makes system maintenance simple with an easy point and click interface to many OS X functions. Leopard Cache Cleaner can improve system performance by tuning internet and file cache settings, implementing ram disks, and cleaning out various … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in News
Contrassegnato - Servizio Bonus, 3, articoli, Banca, blog, bufala, Burla, Cache, Cleaner, CLIENTE POSTE.IT, computer, flickr, gratis, hoax, hotmail, inter, Internet, italia, italiano, la, Leopard, linux, MAC, man, musica, News, ong, online, PACE, pc, pd, Phishing, php, Poste, rom, siti, sito, software, TECNOLOGIA, TIM, video, web, windows
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Fake Twitter Profile Links To Worm
A fake profile on blogging site Twitter has a Flash Player link that installs a worm which can steal a user’s personal data. First it was Facebook and MySpace, where messages from “friends” contained a link to install the latest … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in Exploits, News
Contrassegnato - Servizio Bonus, 2008, articoli, Banca, blog, bufala, Burla, CLIENTE POSTE.IT, computer, facebook, fake, fir, flash, gratis, hoax, hotmail, Internet, italia, italiano, la, linux, musica, myspace, NEW, News, online, PACE, pc, Phishing, player, Poste, rom, security, siti, sito, sky, soci, social network, software, STAR, TECNOLOGIA, TIM, TRE, Twitter, video, Virus, web, Win, WIND, windows, Worm
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McAfee slaps Trojan warning on MS Office Live
McAfee has apologised after an anti-virus update released on Monday night incorrectly identified a plug-in for Microsoft Office Live Meeting as a Trojan. The signature update file mistakingly flagged LMCAPI.exe (a component of Live Update) as a Trojan called Swizzor. … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in Exploits, News, Sicurezza
Contrassegnato - Servizio Bonus, 2008, articoli, auto, avg, Banca, blog, bufala, Burla, CLIENTE POSTE.IT, computer, denti, Explorer, fir, gratis, hoax, hotmail, IDS, Internet, italia, italiano, java, JavaScript, la, linux, mail, man, McAfee, microsoft, musica, NEW, News, Office, Onda, online, pc, pd, Phishing, Poste, rom, security, siti, sito, sky, software, TECNOLOGIA, TIM, trojan, Usa, video, Virus, web, Win, WIND, windows
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Today’s assignment: Coding an undetectable malware
Today’s dynamic Internet threatscape is changing so rapidly, that the innovations and creativity applied by malware authors can easily render an information security course’s curricular on malware outdated pretty fast, or worse, provide the students with a false feeling of … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in Exploits, News, Sicurezza
Contrassegnato - Servizio Bonus, 2008, 3, antivirus, articoli, Banca, blog, bufala, Burla, CLIENTE POSTE.IT, coding, computer, George, gratis, held, hoax, hotmail, html, ici, inter, Internet, italia, italiano, iva, la, linux, malware, man, musica, natura, NEW, News, ong, online, pc, Phishing, Poste, rai, rock, rom, RUSSIA, scie, security, siti, sito, software, STAR, TECNOLOGIA, threats, TIM, today, TRE, tutorial, UNDETECTABLE, video, Virus, web, Win, windows
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E’ morto a 89 anni lo scrittore Aleksander Solzhenitsyn
Era l’incarnazione della dissidenza nell’Urss Mosca, 4 ago. (Apcom) – E’ morto Aleksander Solzhenitsyn, scrittore, drammaturgo e storico russo. Aveva 89 anni. Solzhenitsyn, grazie ai suoi lavori, fece conoscere al mondo i Gulag, i campi di lavoro sovietici, e per … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in News
Contrassegnato - Servizio Bonus, 2008, 3, 89, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, america, arte, articoli, auto, Banca, blog, bufala, Burla, CLIENTE POSTE.IT, computer, dell, dio, evidence, fir, flickr, gratis, grave, held, hoax, hotmail, ici, inter, Internet, investigation, italia, italiano, iva, la, lavori, lavoro, lega, linux, mail, man, MPS, msn, musica, NEW, News, nik, Office, Onda, ong, online, parigi, pc, Phishing, politica, Poste, putin, rai, reality, rom, roma, rss, RUSSIA, SAR, scie, scrittore, security, siti, sito, sky, soci, software, stack, STAR, Stati Uniti, TECNOLOGIA, TIM, today, TRE, unione, video, web, Win, windows, women, word
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Man dies after winning vodka-drinking competition
A vodka-drinking competition in a southern Russian town ended in tragedy with the winner dead and several runners-up in intensive care. “The competition lasted 30, perhaps 40 minutes and the winner downed three half-litre bottles. He was taken home by … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in News
Contrassegnato - Servizio Bonus, 3, Alcool, articoli, Banca, blog, bufala, Burla, CLIENTE POSTE.IT, computer, gratis, hoax, hotmail, Internet, italia, italiano, iva, la, linux, man, musica, News, online, organi, pc, Phishing, Poste, rom, roma, RUSSIA, Russians drink, siti, sito, software, TECNOLOGIA, testa, TIM, TRE, video, vodka-drinking competition, web, Win, windows
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An Online Hoax Becomes a Source About a Suspect
It was not hard, in the end, to figure out that the Web site was a hoax, however tantalizing the site was for reporters eager to fill out details on the fugitive life of Radovan Karadzic, the Bosnian Serb leader … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in News
Contrassegnato - Servizio Bonus, 2008, 3, articoli, auto, Banca, blog, bufala, Burla, CLIENTE POSTE.IT, computer, denti, design, e-mail, fir, gratis, grave, hoax, hotmail, html, ici, inter, Internet, italia, italiano, la, linux, mail, man, musica, NEW, News, ong, online, pc, pd, Phishing, Poste, reni, rom, siti, sito, software, TECNOLOGIA, TIM, Usa, video, web, web design, Win, windows
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MUJERES: Se cortaron las herramientas para promover la equidad
Roberto Bissio, coordinador de Social Watch. Crédito: Eurostep. MONTEVIDEO, ago (IPS) – La desigualdad entre hombres y mujeres “no siempre coincide con la pobreza. Por eso no debemos posponer esto para cuando seamos ricos y felices, porque podemos llegar a … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in Bufale e Hoax
Contrassegnato - Servizio Bonus, 2008, 3, 89, ambiente, articoli, Banca, blog, bufala, Burla, CLIENTE POSTE.IT, computer, denti, dio, DoS, europa, finanza, fir, foto, gratis, hoax, hotmail, ici, iene, inter, Internet, iran, italia, italiano, iva, la, las Naciones Unidas, lega, linux, MAC, man, MONTEVIDEO, musica, NEW, News, ong, online, opera, organi, PACE, pc, Phishing, Poste, ROBERTO BISSIO, rom, SAR, scie, siti, sito, soci, Social Watch (Control Ciudadano, software, STAR, TECNOLOGIA, TIM, TRE, video, web, windows
Commenti disabilitati su MUJERES: Se cortaron las herramientas para promover la equidad