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Archivi tag: TECNOLOGIA
Man dies after winning vodka-drinking competition
A vodka-drinking competition in a southern Russian town ended in tragedy with the winner dead and several runners-up in intensive care. “The competition lasted 30, perhaps 40 minutes and the winner downed three half-litre bottles. He was taken home by … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in News
Contrassegnato - Servizio Bonus, 3, Alcool, articoli, Banca, blog, bufala, Burla, CLIENTE POSTE.IT, computer, gratis, hoax, hotmail, Internet, italia, italiano, iva, la, linux, man, musica, News, online, organi, pc, Phishing, Poste, rom, roma, RUSSIA, Russians drink, siti, sito, software, TECNOLOGIA, testa, TIM, TRE, video, vodka-drinking competition, web, Win, windows
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An Online Hoax Becomes a Source About a Suspect
It was not hard, in the end, to figure out that the Web site was a hoax, however tantalizing the site was for reporters eager to fill out details on the fugitive life of Radovan Karadzic, the Bosnian Serb leader … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in News
Contrassegnato - Servizio Bonus, 2008, 3, articoli, auto, Banca, blog, bufala, Burla, CLIENTE POSTE.IT, computer, denti, design, e-mail, fir, gratis, grave, hoax, hotmail, html, ici, inter, Internet, italia, italiano, la, linux, mail, man, musica, NEW, News, ong, online, pc, pd, Phishing, Poste, reni, rom, siti, sito, software, TECNOLOGIA, TIM, Usa, video, web, web design, Win, windows
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MUJERES: Se cortaron las herramientas para promover la equidad
Roberto Bissio, coordinador de Social Watch. Crédito: Eurostep. MONTEVIDEO, ago (IPS) – La desigualdad entre hombres y mujeres “no siempre coincide con la pobreza. Por eso no debemos posponer esto para cuando seamos ricos y felices, porque podemos llegar a … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in Bufale e Hoax
Contrassegnato - Servizio Bonus, 2008, 3, 89, ambiente, articoli, Banca, blog, bufala, Burla, CLIENTE POSTE.IT, computer, denti, dio, DoS, europa, finanza, fir, foto, gratis, hoax, hotmail, ici, iene, inter, Internet, iran, italia, italiano, iva, la, las Naciones Unidas, lega, linux, MAC, man, MONTEVIDEO, musica, NEW, News, ong, online, opera, organi, PACE, pc, Phishing, Poste, ROBERTO BISSIO, rom, SAR, scie, siti, sito, soci, Social Watch (Control Ciudadano, software, STAR, TECNOLOGIA, TIM, TRE, video, web, windows
Commenti disabilitati su MUJERES: Se cortaron las herramientas para promover la equidad
Scrapping departments “a hoax”
The Justice Minister claims victims would be disadvantaged under National’s plan to scrap the Sentencing Council and the Criminal Justice Advisory Board. The idea was revealed at National’s conference in Wellington yesterday. National has promised to use the money saved … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in News
Contrassegnato - Servizio Bonus, articoli, Banca, blog, bufala, Burla, CLIENTE POSTE.IT, computer, gratis, hoax, hotmail, Internet, italia, italiano, la, linux, money, musica, NEW, News, online, pc, Phishing, Poste, rai, rom, siti, sito, software, TECNOLOGIA, TIM, video, web, windows
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E-Mail Scams on the Rise Local Priest Subject of Hoax Asking for Money
Aug. 2–NEWBURYPORT — An e-mail sent to hundreds of locals asking for financial help for a Newburyport priest is a hoax, but such scams are becoming increasingly common, and many people are falling for them. The Rev. Paul Berube of … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in Bufale e Hoax
Contrassegnato - Servizio Bonus, 2008, 3, arte, articoli, Banca, blog, bufala, Burla, CLIENTE POSTE.IT, computer, e-mail, fir, google, gratis, hoax, hotmail, IDS, inter, Internet, italia, italiano, la, linux, MAC, mail, man, money, musica, NEW, News, ong, online, PACE, pc, Phishing, Poste, rai, rise local priest, rom, siti, sito, software, STAR, TECNOLOGIA, TIM, Usa, video, web, windows
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Somalia/ Unicef lancia l’allarme sulle condizioni dei bambini
Somalia/ Unicef lancia l’allarme sulle condizioni dei bambini Uccisi 7 minori in una settimana; spesso arruolati nel conflitto Roma, 1 ago. (Apcom) – Sono i bambini a pagare il prezzo più alto delle violenze che da anni insanguinano la Somalia, … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in Appelli Generici, Appelli Umanitari Veri, News
Contrassegnato - Servizio Bonus, amici, appello, arte, articoli, bambini, Banca, blog, bufala, Burla, Christian Balslev-Olesen, CLIENTE POSTE.IT, computer, dei bambini, dell, fondi, gratis, grave, hoax, hotmail, ici, inter, Internet, italia, italiano, la, lancia l’allarme, linux, man, musica, nano, nato, News, nuovo, online, ONU, opera, pc, Phishing, Poste, rom, roma, SAR, Sicurezza, siti, sito, soci, software, Somalia, sulle condizioni, TECNOLOGIA, TIM, TRE, Unicef, Unicef in Somalia, Usa, video, web, windows
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Hoax call delays response to old people’s flats fire
A HOAX call by children cost firefighters an estimated five minutes in responding to a genuine call to old people’s flats. Bexhill’s full-time fire crew had turned out to an abandoned call which had claimed there was a fire in … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in News
Contrassegnato - Servizio Bonus, 3, articoli, Banca, blog, bufala, Burla, CLIENTE POSTE.IT, computer, fir, gratis, hoax, hotmail, Internet, italia, italiano, Jobs, la, linux, musica, NEW, News, online, pc, Phishing, Poste, rom, siti, sito, software, TECNOLOGIA, TIM, video, web, windows
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il mistero di Montauk
Un esperimento genetico o un mostro? Una “creatura” misteriosa è stata ritrovata sulla spiaggia di Montauk, a Long Island (New York). L’essere ha la testa che ricorda un po’ un rapace e un po’ una tartaruga, le zampe posteriori e … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in Bufale e Hoax, Leggende Metropolitane
Contrassegnato - Servizio Bonus, 2008, 3, acuminati, america, amici, animali, Aol, articoli, Banca, blog, bufala, bufale, Burla, cane, catena, CLIENTE POSTE.IT, computer, cospirazione, creatura, dell, denti, flickr, foto, fumetti, genetica, Georgia, google, governo, gratis, hoax, hotmail, html, ici, immagini, inter, Internet, italia, italiano, iva, java, JavaScript, la, lega, linux, Long Island (New York), malattie, man, marketing, Montauk, mostro, musica, nano, nato, NEW, New York, News, nuovo, nutria, ong, online, PACE, pc, Phishing, Photoshop, piaggia, Poste, procione, SAR, serie a, siti, sito, software, sole, spiaggia, tartaruga, tartaruga senza guscio, TECNOLOGIA, testa, TIM, TRE, tv, unione, video, web, Win, windows, zampe posteriori
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Man Is Accused of an Internet Hoax
A New York City man who claimed in an apparent Internet video hoax that he had poisoned millions of bottles of baby food because he wanted to kill black and Hispanic children was arrested on Thursday, the authorities said. The … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in News
Contrassegnato - Servizio Bonus, 2008, articoli, Banca, blog, bufala, Burla, CLIENTE POSTE.IT, computer, evidence, gratis, hoax, hotmail, html, inter, Internet, italia, italiano, la, linux, man, musica, NEW, New York, News, online, organi, pc, Phishing, Poste, siti, sito, software, TECNOLOGIA, threats, TIM, video, web, windows, youtube
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Debate in Italy over euthanasia issue
The issue of euthanasia has sparked strong debate in the Italian parliament as an Italian court on 7 July granted a man’s request to disconnect the feeding tube of his daughter, who had been in a vegetative state for 16 … Continua a leggere
Pubblicato in News
Contrassegnato - Servizio Bonus, 16 year, 2008, america, Aol, articoli, Banca, blog, bufala, Burla, CLIENTE POSTE.IT, computer, cultura, dell, George, gratis, hoax, hotmail, ici, Internet, italia, italiano, la, lega, linux, man, milan, musica, nato, natura, NEW, News, ong, online, organi, pc, Phishing, Poste, rom, scie, siti, sito, soci, software, TECNOLOGIA, TIM, TRE, tv, Usa, verdi, video, web, Win, windows
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