Thanks Stefano for the reporting of this curious story:
Towards the end of January was the news of a study conducted by the University of Padova on 64 patients and published in the journal Current Alzheimer Research, according to which religion would slow down the progression of Alzheimer .In particular, the group of patients with “low level of religiosity” would have had a loss of cognitive abilities by 10% compared to the others with a higher level of religiosity. One of the researchers who conducted the tests, Professor Enzo Manzato, said not only that – predictably – “sensory stimuli from a normal social life, slow the cognitive decline,” but added that “religion seems to be the inner one able to slow cognitive loss. Interviewed on, Manzano had even stated that: “It is not therefore a ritual which is associated with certain social behaviors, but a real tendency to ‘believe’ in a spiritual entity.”
Guido Romeo, journalist of “Il Sole 24”, writes on his blog that actually reading the original research paper in question, the findings are a bit ‘different from what have been presented by the media, who spoke of sensational discovery.
First, the researchers “have found an association and not a correlation” between being religious and slower progression of >Alzheimer The authors also are very clear and honest in saying that, unfortunately, do not have the means to isolate the importance of social interactions in the slowing of the disease, “and as such would affect the belief in themselves. Moreover, the same Mr. Manzano, who has made certain statements in the media, “is neither ‘first author’, or ‘last name’ (positions usually reserved for those who have actually done the research and who oversaw, typically . Head of the laboratory), so perhaps not the most successful in explaining the significance of these studies. ”
Romeo speaks explicitly of “dance”, as researchers, in contrast to what was already widespread in the media have not found a correlation between level of religiosity and progression of AlzheimerSource: