ASP Virus Hoax The is no ASP Virus Virus Alert! Please Forward and Distribute Immediately!
____|__ | (R)
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| ____|__ | Association of
| | |_| Shareware
|__| o | Professionals
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A computer virus was distributed by the Association of Shareware Professionals. The ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. To prevent this virus from getting into the hands of children or people who might deliberately or accidentally cause harm, you are requested to contact these officials for clarification before using any software displaying the logo shown above. Bill Dickson Tim Bougan Harold Holmes Tom Guthery Ross Greenberg Borje Hagsten Phill Hellewell ### The above note uses the old ASP logo (a registered trade mark) without permission and seems to be an attempt by some individual to disparage the ASP and the software of its members. In addition to the (typical for hoaxes) request to “forward and distribute” it includes the email addresses of some ASP officials in an attempt to annoy these individuals. Note that it does not mention where the supposed virus is located. If it really wanted to help you, it would certainly tell you what to avoid. Instead it tries to implicate all ASP member software. The ASP does NOT distribute software as implied by the above note. The ASP is an association of shareware developers, publishers, and distributors and provides the customer assurance that by trying and/or purchasing software from an ASP member that they will get high quality software and deal with a professional business that meets the the standards of the ASP.